This story is about a mysterious figure that emerged from the shadows with an evil kokoro, roughly one year after the events of Mayonaka, set in 2014. While YTG will still lean towards shonen action like Mayonaka, it will also focus more on the relationships of the main characters, along with this universe's mystical and magical side. This will especially be the case regarding the Kami Neko, its Champion, and much more.
Check out the Wiki page!
This series was initially planned to be an animated OVA, then as an audio drama, until finally as a fan comic/manga, to be told through mini chapters.
Not yet to be completed, under-construction.
Raku-chan is now married to Hitoshi-san and is also a housewife. However, since being pregnant, Raku-chan began to have reoccurring nightmares like she had in the past; it is about Kusatta-san, chasing her in an endless dark void. These nightmares end before she can get an answer... her body releasing a strange energy during her sleep.
After the passing of Nurse-sama, Koneko-chan took charge and became the new vet of the city. She founded an organization to care for inus, with help from her sister, Dolce-chan. Recently, Koneko-chan found out that Kusatta-san wasn't actually dead. Koneko also developed a new form of medicine, based entirely on the usage of several types of tea.
After his defeat, Kusatta-san fell into a coma. He then woke up in Koneko-chan's clinic, he witnessed Dolce-chan and Akira-kun, a teenage inu, being attacked by a group of punks. Kusatta-san befriends the two inus, and even Koneko-chan later on. Due to his long coma, Kusatta-san lost most of his energy and powers.
A mysterious figure that emerged from the shadows and with a evil heart! Who is this dangerous woman?!
Hitoshi-san is now married to Raku-chan, and the two live together. Hitoshi-san found a job as a waiter in the new gay bar, Black Lips. This bar is owned by no other than his ex-kidnapper/ex-boyfriend, Bokutachi-san. After the battle against Kusatta-san, Hitoshi-san stopped training; this has resulted in a slight loss in his powers and muscle mass.
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